;(Main Communication dish on the Marathon is ready for repair)
Service Area 39 Public Access Terminal<7-j->
I have detected no change in the status of the control circuitry. You must return and make sure that all of the switches were activated.
#briefing 5
Durandal has been denied access to some of the critical computer systems. This should insure the mobility and reliability of the Defense Drones.
Unfortunately, I have received a distress signal from some crew who had sealed themselves off in one of the nearby access areas. They say that they have lost control over the doors and elevators on the level, and that the Pfhor have access to the area.
It appears that Durandal has reacted to our move against him by giving the Pfhor access to a formerly secure area.
We will have to deal with Durandal sooner or later, but we can’t be distracted from the Pfhor attack. I only hope that his Rampant behavior won’t continually sabotage our defense efforts.
I am sending you to go and save these crew. Clear the area of Aliens. If enough of the crew survive, then perhaps we can get an intelligence report from them.